Globally, superintendents and school board members are frequently challenged with needing to move their districts forward, and there is often uncertainty with
where to start or how to get there. Districts also experience regular leadership changes, and bringing their team together around a common vision is essential to the success of their schools.
How students learn and how teachers teach is changing. Students need educators to continually uphold the promise of providing a quality public education. As a school board member or superintendent, you are responsible to your community for governing and leading your district both effectively and efficiently, while keeping the best interests of students in mind. Under Minnesota law MS 120B.11, Subd. 2, the school board must approve an annual plan outlining current and future goals of their district to do just this.
Following a well-defined process to develop a strategic plan designed to assist district leadership in achieving consensus around key initiatives is imperative to the sustainability of a district. A strong, well thought out strategic plan will not only provide direction to leadership but also differentiate your district from those struggling with how to pivot in constantly changing times.
Through challenging periods of a world-wide pandemic, declining enrollment, providing diverse and equitable opportunities for students, aging facilities, and access to adequate funding, districts must think outside tradition toprovide education in new and innovative ways. Strategic Planning is the district leadership’s visionary road map for governing while focusing on both student achievement and stakeholder needs, and will ultimately yield your district success.